
lucy lai 赖璐西

neuroscientist & educator

CV | lucylai@g.harvard.edu


research | teaching | art


I am currently on a year-long “sabbatical” from formal academic work, where I will be writing, traveling, and tinkering with some creative side projects. If you’re interested, you can follow along my sabbatical journey here!

I am lucky enough to spend my sabbatical as a TSVP Visiting Scholar at the beautiful Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Okinawa, Japan. I recently recieved my Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard, where I was advised by Sam Gershman and supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a Harvey Fellowship. Before that, I received my B.A. in Cognitive Science from Rice University.

Outside of research, I enjoy teaching, writing poetry, running, hosting dinner parties, and latin dancing. From 2021-2023, I was a Resident Tutor at Quincy House, where I lived with and advised Harvard College students.

recent and upcoming